The upper section of the tender is set aside for a close examination of the lower section, and a determination of the best placement for the sound system components. The lower section's track power pickup leads are disconnected so as not to interfere with the component layout.
The most logical placement for the speaker is the center portion of the lower pan. This location allows for the best and least unrestricted sound output. The DCB97 soundboard will fit nicely in the front beside the OEM circuit board without causing any interference. The battery is best located in the rear of the lower pan. I recommend to always try to place the speaker and battery as low as possible, this will give the tender or other type of rolling stock the best possible center of gravity. Also, in contrast to the picture above, both the speaker and battery should always be centered, so not to make the tender or car lean to one side. With the component placement figured out it is time to start the actual physical installation.